Serious about Social Value

8th December 2020
At Get Real Change we focus on creating social value in all our assignments and in the volunteer work we do. Hear about an appointment that secures a longer term comitment to volunteering.
At Get Real Change we focus on creating social value in all our assignments. To further the social value we enable, we also volunteer our time to charity and community organisations that would benefit from our expertise.
Recently we have undertaken volunteer work to help charities to digitise their services, support online events and engage people online. This has been particularly important for the charities we’ve worked with as they rise to the challenges of the face to face restrictions resulting from the covid pandemic.
One such charity is Cumbria Council for Voluntary Service, whom we’ve been supporting since July. Their work has really impressed us and we wanted to become more involved. One of our Directors, Steve Sewell, applied to become a Trustee of the charity, seeking to establish a longer term commitment. Happy to say he has been successful and we’re proud to announce this commitment to longer term social value creation.