David Rose
Associate - Communications and Engagement Consultant
David’s extensive communications and engagement experience includes developing and delivering strategies and campaigns to support successful transformation and change programmes within central government, the NHS, councils, businesses and entire industries, and the third sector.
His work includes:
• New joint clinical and staff development programmes to improve patient care, outcomes and value delivered by three mental health NHS Trusts in partnership, within complex stakeholder environment including staff, patients, local authorities, national and local commissioners, at 3.6 million population system level
• Change and turnaround programmes in large Acute Trust in financial and quality special measures including theatres productivity, outpatients transformation, clinic outcomes reporting – supporting improved performance, patient safety and return to RTT reporting
• Campaign enabled 87,500+ farmers to apply for £2 billion Common Agricultural Policy payments including channel-shift and new legislative compliance
• Digital transformation: change and adoption of new ways of working in largest civil service department; divisional employee engagement index score increased by 10%
• Introduction of Personalised Budgets to large social care department (Your Care, Your Way strategy, promoted as best practice by SCIE)
• Transformation of recruitment strategy with innovative campaigns to reduce vacancy rate (10%) and temporary staff spend (£6.33m) inside two years for NHS Trust
His work in central government and its agencies, the NHS and local government includes DWP Digital, South London Mental Health and Community Partnership, Rural Payments Agency, London Borough of Lambeth, Tourism South East, St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, CQC and the Audit Commission.